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Player Schedule


Saturday, April 20, 2024


  • Breakfast (Hotel): 9:00 AM until 10:00 AM (Only bill breakfast to room number.)

  • Pick Up Time: 12:00 PM

  • Lunch Meeting (All): 1:30 PM until 2:30 PM

  • Player Development Training: 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM

  • Dinner: 8:00 PM


Sunday, April 21, 2024


  • Breakfast (Hotel): 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Only bill breakfast to room number.)

  • Recovery: Mobility & Lift 10:00 AM (Lansana Nwosu and Deronquez Wynn)

  • Recovery: Mobility & Lift 10:00 AM (Jacob Lloyd, Josue Celestin, and Azaro Toker)

  • Pick Up Time: 12:00 PM

  • 5Lunch (All): 1:00 PM until 2:10 PM

  • Player Development Training: 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM

  • Dinner: 8:00 PM


Agent Feedback:


Good Morning Players and Staff,


I would like to thank each of you again for your participation in OTLS’ Player Development Workshop!


As mentioned in our discussion during lunch yesterday, I am providing the tools and processes to collect your feedback and evaluate the efficacy of our progress collectively as a group (Player Agent, Players, and Trainers). 


I would like to reiterate the purpose of this convening this week in Tampa, Florida.  Our firm is making this investment to help assess your preparation and readiness to compete at the next level.  We also hope to help you identify and improve areas of your development that will help you become a better overall player who can excel professionally in this highly competitive sport.


I have more than 20 years of experience in this space and know what is required from a talent and development perspective.  Your health and well-being are our first priority!  However, it is my responsibility to work with you and our team to provide a truthful, transparent, and thorough assessment of where you are in your development.


Observations from Player Agent:


  • Enhance player conditioning.

  • Drills implemented yesterday are designed to help improve shot creation at any position (required to be successful in the NBA).

  • All support resources are intended to develop players as a well-rounded threat (offensively, defensively, and interpersonally).


I respect each of you and your desire to fulfill your dreams of playing professionally. However, I need each of you to trust the process and the approach. Before I can engage any NBA organization on your behalf, I must ensure that you’re ready.  You represent yourself, your creator, and OTLS’ corporate brand.


If you have specific needs regarding your body readiness, please contact Mr. Brandon Buskey, Strength and Conditioning Specialist.  I will speak to each of you this morning between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM at the hotel.


Have a blessed morning!



Keith Jacobs

NBPA Certified Player Agent


To Be Determined


To Be Determined

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Important Note: Times are subject to change!

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